Spring Sports and Your Feet: How to Stay Injury-Free This Season

As the weather begins to warm up, many people are eager to get back to their outdoor activities like running, walking, hiking, and spring sports. Getting active is great for your health, but it's important to protect your feet and ankles from injuries that can come with sudden increased activity. 

spring sports injuries

Common Spring Sports Injuries

  1. Plantar Fasciitis: Increased activity on hard surfaces can strain the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissues on the bottom of your foot, leading to heel pain. Wearing the proper footwear like supportive shoes and stretching your feet daily can prevent this painful condition. 
  2. Ankle Sprains: Sudden movements and uneven outdoor surfaces can increase your risk for ankle sprains. Strengthening and stretching your ankles while wearing well-fitted footwear can help reduce your risk. 
  3. Stress Fractures: Instantly going back into high-impact activities too quickly can put too much pressure on your feet, leading to tiny cracks in the bones called stress features. Slowly increasing tour activity levels and wearing shock absorbent shocks can prevent these injuries. 
  4. Blisters and Calluses: New shoes and increased movements can cause painful blisters and calluses. Wearing proper fitting shoes, moisture-wicking socks, and using blister-prevention products will help. 


Spring Foot Care Tips for Athletes

  • Choose the right shoes
  • Warm up and stretch
  • Listen to your feet
  • Replace worn-out shoes

Warmer weather is a great time to get the body moving, just be sure your feet are ready for the challenge! 


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Scott Werter, DPM, FACFAS
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Certified foot surgeon & podiatrist Dr. Scott Werter has been helping patients in South Carolina since 1997.