Calcaneal Fracture In The Long Run

A calcaneal fracture can in fact lead to long-term complications even if the injury has healed. Depending on the severity and treatments prior will influence the likelihood of the following issues: calacenal treatment | FAQ

  1. Post-Traumatic Arthritis
  2. Chronic Pain
  3. Heel Deformities
  4. Reduced Range of Motion
  5. Gait (Walking) Abnormalities
  6. Nerve Damage
  7. Psychological Impact

Prevention knowledge is the best way to ensure you never face these long-term complications. These preventions are as follows:

  • Ensure Early Diagnosis
  • Appropriate Treatment Process
  • Engage in Rehabilitation
  • Make Lifestyle Adjustments
Scott Werter, DPM, FACFAS
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Certified foot surgeon & podiatrist Dr. Scott Werter has been helping patients in South Carolina since 1997.