Summary of "QUTENZA® Patient Testimonial From Barbara"

  • Introduction and Background

    • Barbara introduces herself, mentioning her family and active lifestyle.
    • She shares her experience with diabetic nerve pain in her feet, initially misattributed to footwear issues.
  • Diagnosis and Initial Treatments

    • After consulting her doctor, she is diagnosed with diabetic nerve pain and tries various treatments, including pills and gels, with little success.
  • Introduction to QUTENZA® Treatment

    • Barbara's new healthcare provider suggests QUTENZA® treatment, which she describes as a procedure involving cleaning and applying the treatment to her feet.
  • Ongoing Treatments and Recommendations

    • She explains that the treatment is not a one-time fix and involves multiple sessions, which she has found beneficial.
    • She encourages others experiencing similar pain to discuss treatment options with their healthcare providers.
  • Impact on Daily Life

    • Since starting QUTENZA®, Barbara reports significant pain relief, allowing her to engage in activities she enjoys, such as cooking and socializing.
    • She discusses important safety information and side effects related to the treatment.

Did You Know

An interesting point from Barbara's testimonial is how her experience with diabetic nerve pain profoundly changed her daily life and social interactions. Initially, she avoided going out with friends and engaging in activities she loved due to the debilitating pain in her feet. However, after starting QUTENZA® treatments, she regained the ability to enjoy vacations, grocery shopping, and cooking, highlighting the significant impact effective pain management can have on quality of life and social connections


Well, my name is Barbara, and I have four children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren, with another one on the way. I'm busy all the time. If I'm not going out with my girlfriends, I'm doing something with one of my children or grandchildren. About a year after I was diagnosed with diabetes, I started feeling this tremendous burning, prickling pain in my feet. First, I thought I needed better shoes, so I bought better shoes with orthotics in them, but that was a waste of money. Finally, I mentioned it to my primary care doctor, and I was diagnosed with diabetic nerve pain in my feet. We tried pills and gel, but nothing was helping. When the pain started, I literally changed my life. I would avoid my girlfriends, telling them, “Hey, I’m having a bad day; my feet hurt.” Unless you've had this kind of pain, I don't think the average person understands. I would sit in my recliner at home at night with ice packs on my feet because the pain was so bad. Then, I had to change providers, and I was lucky enough to get a new provider. He suggested I try something different, and that was Cenza.

For my first treatment, I went to the doctor's office. I sat up in this chair with the elevated back, and they cleaned my feet really well. They applied the Cenza treatment and wrapped my feet. That lasted about 30 minutes. I felt tingling and a little bit of stinging, and then after 30 minutes, that was taken off. My healthcare provider did tell me that it would not just be a one-time treatment. I would have one treatment and then three months later I would have another treatment, and three months after that, I would have another treatment. I have had five treatments so far. When my third month rolls around, I know I'm ready for another Cenza treatment.

If I had a friend who was going through the foot pain that I was going through, I would recommend that they speak to their healthcare provider about their foot pain. Because of the pain relief, I am now able to do things that I never thought I’d ever be able to do again. Cenza has helped me with my pain relief so that I can go on vacations with my girlfriends, go to the grocery store, and stand in the kitchen to cook. I knew I had to keep going; I felt too young at heart to let something like this get me down. I was not ready to slow down.

Cenza caps an 8% topical system is indicated in adults for the treatment of neuropathic pain associated with postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) and for neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) of the feet.

Important safety information: Treatment with Cenza must be performed only by a healthcare provider. You should never apply or remove Cenza yourself. Do not touch Cenza or items exposed to capsaicin. Touching Cenza and then accidentally touching other areas of your body can cause severe irritation of the eyes, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, and skin. Do not touch your eyes or other unintended target areas during the Cenza application. Cenza is not for use near eyes or mucous membranes. Do not sniff or inhale near Cenza, as this may cause you to cough or sneeze. If irritation of the eyes or airways occurs, or any side effects become severe, notify your doctor immediately.

The treated area may be sensitive to heat—for example, hot showers, baths, direct sunlight, or vigorous exercise—for a few days following treatment. You may experience substantial pain during the treatment. Tell your healthcare provider if you're experiencing pain; a cool compress or medicine for the pain can be provided to help lessen your discomfort. Cenza can cause serious side effects, including pain and increases in blood pressure during or right after treatment. Your healthcare provider should check your blood pressure during treatment with Cenza. If you have high blood pressure that is not well controlled by medicine, or have had recent heart problems, stroke, or other vascular problems, you may be at increased risk and should discuss with your doctor whether Cenza is right for you. Tell your doctor if you have reduced sensation in the feet; you may notice that you have less feeling for hot or sharp pain where Cenza was applied, but this is usually minor and temporary.

The most common side effects of Cenza are redness, pain, or itching where Cenza was applied. You should tell your doctor if any side effects bother you or do not go away. To report suspected adverse reactions, contact Veratos Pharma Incorporated at 1-877-964-7979, Option One, or the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or For more information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist. Please see full prescribing information provided by your healthcare provider or at Cenza